“Exist presented a cost-effective solution for consolidating APIs in a single platform.”
Larry Dalus - Director - Integrated Resort
“Exist is very easy to talk to and very efficient and effective in terms of Troo’s needs.”
Ms. Angela Marie Gilleran, Information Technology Controller – Troo
“We also worked with the regulators because the regulators become aggressive in allowing banks to open accounts with minimum documentation. Unbanked customers with no government IDs can open basic deposit account and customers can choose to bank without really having to present all these documentary requirements in the past.”
John Howard Medina - Chief Operating Officer, PBCOM
“They said, “Data is the new oil” but it will not be of value if you will not be using it at the right time, at the right place, and at the right opportunity.”
Melecio Valerio - Head of Data Governance, MAYA