Jumpstart Your Data Analytics Journey Today!
Harness the Power of Data with EXSight
We work and operate from the principle that data is the drivetrain of everything good that is happening and can happen in an organization. From understanding the customer better, improving business processes, identifying new opportunities for revenue, to balancing risk and reward (these things most people call digital transformation), data is the fuel to the flame, and EXSight can help you harness this Promethean gift.
What is EXSight?
EXSight, which is short for EXIST Data Analytics Insights, is EXIST Data Solutions’ solutions and services offering in the area of data analytics. It showcases best-of-breed data management technologies to carry out the processes required to turn an organization’s data into actionable insights.
Leverage the power of your data with EXSight!
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Turn your Data Into Actionable Insights with ExSight,
Exist’s Data Analytics Services!
Exist’s Data Analytics Services!
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Start Your Data Maturity Journey!
A data-driven organization understands the importance of data and bases its choices, actions, and procedures on concrete facts. This organization has spent time and resources to get a hand on Data Solutions Services that can source data from within and outside of the organization.
Our Work
Leading Bread Brand in the Philippines
Demand Forecasting and Sales Order Management System.
A premier higher-education institution in Mindanao
Data Warehouse and Reporting system
A Philippine agency for all land transportation
Cloud Data Management and Data Warehousing
An open-source, enterprise database solution built on Postgres CE. It ensures high availability, performance, scalability, and reliability for critical applications without licensing costs or vendor lock-in, providing comprehensive service and support.
DiscoverEX enables organizations to explore, discover, and organize their data. Businesses gain insights by identifying and analyzing data sources, aiding informed decision-making. This process propels businesses forward in their data journey.
They are critical component of Ace software development lifecycle.