Improve Philhealth eClaims Success Rate For Dialysis, Ophthalmology, and Ambulatory Surgical Clinics using this Innovative Clinic System!
Exist understands the challenges that dialysis, ophthalmology, and ambulatory surgical clinics face to comply and timely send complete Philhealth claim reimbursements. Part of this process lies in the meticulous final review to ensure complete and correct data of claims which requires coordination of multiple care teams and medical records in order to submit each claim.
Medcurial is an all-in-one enterprise clinic system and EMR solution designed to help digitize the patient’s entire journey by coordinating the right users and services with the right patient at the right place and right time. √
Schedule a Demo, It’s FREE!
Medcurial’s clinic system with integrated Philhealth module reduces manual completion of claims by automating the process of data coordination and input while providing a clinic system and EMR to manage the entire clinic operations!

- Streamline internal Philhealth eClaims process with integrated data management across users and departments
- Quickly transmit claims with reduced manual inputs and errors thus ensuring completeness and accuracy
- Book and record appointments to easily coordinate operations & reduce administrative burden by as much as 50%
- Align your care teams and users with complete and consolidated patient EMR to monitor patient health status
- Discover a wide selection of specialization forms (nephrology, ophthalmology, and others) and reports for your use (or we can help design one with you!)
“Medcurial is one of the first efficient CMS that I used. The system is easy to understand, user friendly and is compatible with my mobile phone so I can do end-to-end processes and access medical records on the go.”
“We knew our strength lies in our healthcare core but working with Exist Software Labs, we are proud converts to the power of tech innovation to help carry our hospital services further.”
“As busy physicians, we needed a digital system that is easy to learn and use. Medcurial was and is the answer.”
“Exist played a critical role in helping us build an open standards-based EMR solution”
Reduce claims errors to get reimbursements paid on time! Medcurial provides the technology to help you comply with sudden updates and ever-changing revisions in existing circulars and policies issued by Philhealth!
Electronic Medical Records & Patient Database
Includes different types of specialized forms and portfolio of patient records
Telehealth & Online Portal
Deliver remote consultations with private and secure patient portal
Forms Engine
Never worry about the ever-changing form templates again
Patient Tracker and Section Worklists
Visibility & correct services at every stage for every patient at every department
Package Management
Configure clinic services into single promotions and packages that fully integrates with billing
Care Network
Multi-user, multi-section, multi-branch, one complete patient record atop a single healthcare platform
Invest in your OWN Customized Clinic System!
Unlike traditional legacy software that is too complex to maintain and often rendered obsolete, Medcurial’s advanced enterprise web architecture is designed to accommodate your ideas and innovations.
How? With Exist’s innovative technology heritage like using ‘microservices’ (used by industry giants Netflix and Amazon) which enables the rapid, frequent and reliable delivery of large, complex applications which gives you the flexibility and confidence of having a clinic system that’s responsive to your own clinic needs!