Energy Cloud-Ready Billing and Trading

Enhance the way you handle billing and trading operations! Automate your energy system today.

We will make Energy Billing and Trading operations easy for you!

Energy Billing and trading Automation are two important aspects of the power sector. Billing refers to the process of charging customers for the electricity they use, while trading refers to the buying and selling of electricity between power plants and utilities.

Both billing and trading must be done in a way that is fair, efficient, and safe. System automation can help to ensure that all aspects of billing and trading are carried out correctly.

Our goal is to help you steer clear of these challenges and
seamlessly manage your Energy Billing and Trading Operations.

WESM Rules Compliance

Comply with WESM regulations easily, avoid penalties, and maintain your trading privileges, ultimately resulting in cost savings and a more profitable business

Issues with marketing transactions

Eliminate manual tracking of customer allocation from generating facilities and maximize opportunities for possible engagement with new customers

Data Management Process

Difficulty in data monitoring and validation due to multiple sources such as spreadsheets, email, and multiple databases across systems

Dynamic Billing Computations

Having issues in the manual process of creating complex billing computations per customer/clients

Real-time Data Integration is minimal to non-existent

Difficulties in integrating real-time data into NMMS, CRSS, PREMS, other IEMOP and PEMC-related open applications, and other data sources.

Trading and Billing data synchronization

Improve the accuracy of your trading and billing transaction and reduce the risk of errors.

Energy Billing and Trading Automation

Our billing and trading solution is infrastructure-agnostic, fully scalable, and has ready access to NMMS, CRSS, PREMS, other IEMOP, and PEMC-related open applications, as well as other data sources.

We can also solve your problem of creating complex computations for each customer by using our template-based billing computations formula engine/builder.

Do you want to learn more?

Our Energy Billing and Trading System Key Benefits

One of our primary solutions is Energy Billing and Trading automation. We assist energy companies in developing a fully integrated and scalable billing and trading system.

With our Energy Billing and Trading Integration, you can achieve seamless payment and collection management. We built it to be resilient and fault-tolerant, so you can trust it to run your business with minimal intervention. Check out these additional reasons why you should upgrade your system with us today.


Via formula engine/builder for template-based billing computations for each customer


Achieve an efficient system that generates bills quickly and accurately.

Easy Monitoring

Your ultimate solution for seamless payment and collection management

Fully Scalable

Horizontally scalable platform, scale modules

Resilient and Fault tolerant

Unaffected by a single failure due to fault isolation offered by individual modules


Deploy on a bare-metal server, virtual machine or any cloud provider as a service or container


Readily available connections to NMMS, CRSS, PREMS, other IEMOP, and PEMC-related open applications, and other data sources


Modules can be customized based on your business rules and requirements

Upgrade Your Energy Billing and Trading System Today!
